
Deck Features

Dura Deck Ramp Hooks
Deck Features

Ramp Hooks on Your Dura Deck

Our Dura Deck sled deck comes with a 10’6″ Telescopic Ramp. We’ve made some tweaks to the ramp to allow for easier use. The ramp is wide, durable, and extremely user friendly. The hooks are oversized with plenty of space to grab on to the rear of the deck to ensure it’s latched when in use.

Adjustable Tie-down Hooks - Dura Deck - Caliber Products
Deck Features

Adjustable Tie-down Hooks

Adjustable Tie-down Hooks are available on each rail of our Dura Deck sled decks. These hooks can be positioned anywhere along the rail. Combined with the Superclamps, these hooks allow you to secure the rear of your snowmobile to your truck deck securely and safely. They also make hauling other items besides snowmobiles a breeze!

LEDs Everywhere
Deck Features

LEDs Everywhere

The Dura Deck has LEDs everywhere! Dura Deck Sled Deck Lights One specific feature that sets our Dura Deck sled deck apart from others in the industry is the infusion of lights throughout the entire deck. We have them that shine up onto your snowmobile, that shine down off the side rails, and across the top of the headache rack. Each one of these lights is specifically positioned for each of their individuals benefits. Headache Rack Built-in Headache Rack LEDs provide great lighting when loading up in the dark! Sled These LED strips shine up and illuminate your toys when driving at night!  Rail Rail LEDs shine down around the sides of your truck to see where you’re walking at night. Marker Our smoked marker lights are now located under the rail.

Electric Sliding Deck Rails
Deck Features

Electric Sliding Deck Rails

Our electric sliding deck rails have simplified the expansion your sled deck! Electric Sliding Deck Rail In Electric Sliding Deck Rail Out Expand your deck rails by just a click of a button with our electric sliding deck rails! Whether you use our handheld remote or our control panel under the deck, expanding your deck rails is now a simple process. With over 800lbs of pushing power, built-up ice doesn’t stand a chance to the Electric Sliding Rails. F.A.Q.

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